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Intimacy Choreography

"With respect to an actors' emotional and physical boundaries, I work to create an honest and comfortable rehearsal space for actors attempting new and possibly intimidating material."

Why Intimacy Choreography?

All of my time as a theatre artist (since 7th grade) has been filled with this feeling that you have to please everyone you work with. I have felt this immense pressure to say yes to everything so that I would not be labeled as hard to work with. Then I experienced this in the setting of blocking a scene in college that had intimacy performed in it. The discomfort I felt in that moment of how I was asked to build attraction to my scene partner sparked this confusion in me, asking myself, "how is this ok and how is this appropriate?" 

I began my research and passion for researching and using intimacy choreography in my final year at Dean College in 2022. I created "An Intimacy Scene Study" to not only give myself the opportunity to learn and practice intimacy choreography, but to also start spreading its practice to my peers. This concept is so new that I now feel great passion to spread its practice to more artists in order to make the rehearsal and performance space a brave space where actors can work in safety with respect for their bodies and mental well-being. 

This page is still in development! Check out "An Intimacy Scene Study" to explore more of my intimacy choreography:

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