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An Intimacy Scene Study

"The purpose of this project was to expose actors to the basics of intimacy choreography which led to a performance of intimate scenes in a comfortable and consensual manner that read true to an audience. With respect to the actors emotional and physical boundaries, I worked to create an honest and comfortable rehearsal space for actors attempting new and possibly intimidating material."


When creating this project, my intent for it was that I would be able to learn how to effectively incorporate intimacy choreography into my directing style.

Within our process, my goal was to expose the actors to the basics of intimacy choreography and help them perform these scenes in a comfortable and consensual manner that reads true to an audience. This goal relates to both physical and emotional intimacy within each scene.


All techniques and tools used in our process, are directly taken and inspired from the book Staging Sex: Best Practices, Tools, and Techniques for Theatrical Intimacy by Chelsea Pace and Laura Rikard.


Spike Heels by Theresa Rebeck

Georgie: Heather Pape

Andrew: Michael Cabral


Dying City by Christopher Shinn

Kelly: Abigail Matheson

Peter: Myles Luongo


Beirut by Alan Bowne

Torch: Noah Moulton

Blue: Madison Harrington


Female Understudy: Shania Velleca


Sexual & Romantic Intimacy




Emotional Intimacy



Sexual, Emotional, and Abusive Intimacy

Abusive Intimacy is defined in this project by a character using fear as a tactic.


Director / Intimacy Choreographer - Katie Moran

Stage Manager - Liv Cunha

Assistant Director / Research Assistant - Zion Hall

ASM / Props Master - Bella D'Auteuil

Costume Designer - Ella Mooradian

Video Editing - Katie Moran & Michael Cabral

Spike Heels

By Theresa Rebeck

Dying City

By Christopher Shinn


By Alan Bowne

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